

Tacticsweeper is a fresh, engaging twist on the classic game Minesweeper, blending roguelike elements to create a strategic and thrilling gameplay experience. The game retains the fundamental mechanics of Minesweeper but introduces new layers of complexity and excitement through its procedurally generated levels and dangerous hazards.

Gameplay Mechanics:

At its core, Tacticsweeper involves uncovering tiles on a grid to reveal numbers that indicate the proximity of hidden hazards, much like traditional Minesweeper. However, Tacticsweeper ups the ante by incorporating various roguelike features:

  1. Procedurally Generated Levels: Each area in Tacticsweeper is uniquely generated, ensuring that no two playthroughs are the same. This keeps the gameplay fresh and challenging, requiring players to adapt their strategies with each new area.

  2. Dangerous Hazards: In addition to the classic mines, Tacticsweeper introduces new hazards such as Proximity Mines and Laser Turrets. Proximity Mines function similarly to traditional mines but may have additional effects or larger blast radii. Laser Turrets add a new layer of danger, targeting and firing at the player if they enter their line of sight.

  3. Character Abilities: Unlike traditional Minesweeper, Tacticsweeper allows players to choose from a variety of characters, each with unique abilities. These abilities can range from revealing multiple tiles at once, defusing mines, or even temporarily disabling Laser Turrets.

  4. Resource Management: Players must manage resources such as health, tools, and special abilities. Making strategic decisions about when and how to use these resources is crucial for survival.

  5. Permadeath: True to its roguelike roots, Tacticsweeper features permadeath, meaning that once a player’s character dies, they must start over from the beginning. This heightens the tension and stakes of each playthrough.

Strategy and Tactics:

Success in Tacticsweeper requires a combination of careful planning, risk assessment, and tactical execution. Players must use the information provided by revealed tiles to deduce the locations of hidden hazards while making the best use of their character's abilities and available resources. The addition of new hazards like Laser Turrets requires players to think several steps ahead and adapt quickly to changing conditions.

Visuals and Atmosphere:

Tacticsweeper boasts a clean, minimalist art style that pays homage to the classic Minesweeper while incorporating modern design elements. The visual simplicity ensures that the focus remains on strategic gameplay, while subtle animations and effects enhance the overall experience. The atmosphere is tense and immersive, with a soundtrack that dynamically responds to the player's actions, increasing in intensity as they uncover more of the grid and face greater dangers.


Tacticsweeper is a compelling evolution of the Minesweeper formula, infusing it with roguelike mechanics to create a game that is both familiar and refreshingly new. The procedural generation, diverse hazards, and strategic depth ensure that Tacticsweeper offers a challenging and addictive experience for both fans of the original Minesweeper and newcomers to the genre. Whether you're a casual gamer looking for a quick yet strategic challenge or a hardcore roguelike enthusiast seeking a new addiction, Tacticsweeper promises hours of engaging gameplay.

How to play Tacticsweeper

Using Mouse and Keyboard.

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